27 May 2009

How to stay healthy in this sick world

Forget about swine flue, everybody is talking about some sort of flues and how to protect yourself from them. The fact is - there is no fast track protection from these. In order to stay healthy, in this fast moving, full of fast foods and pollution in the world, you need to keep your body constantly full of vitamins and minerals, as well as free yourself from stress of every day life.


First of all, your body needs a balanced diet that will provide it with all the ingredients needed.
Five a day simply means that every person should eat five portions of fruits and veggies every day! One portion equals a handful of something or lets say circa 100g. It does not matter what kind of fruits or veggies are they, although e.g. potatoes are not counted, as they do not contain a lot of vitamins.
Note: it does not matter if they are frozen, cooked, or stirred.
Now, there is a hidden benefit of 5 a day rule... you have less space in your stomach for a fast foods, which can keep you from obesity!


Our bodies really need sport to be healthy. Why? Thanks to sport you can, not only keep your body in shape and look good, but also release the stress that is a cause of almost 90% of all health problems! It does not matter what kind of sport it is as long as you are exercising at least twice a week or 30 minutes a day.
P.S. Even if you work physically in your job, you should do some sport, because of the stress release factor.


OK, this one seem to be the easiest, right? Wrong!
Research tell us that almost 85% of adult people in the world have got a problems with chronic lack of sleep. I am not talking here about insomnia! I am talking about a proper level of sleep time. Nowadays, people go to sleep later then in the past centuries, mainly because of technology. TV, Internet, game consoles... they all keep us awake for longer then they should.
Did you know that, in order to survive an adult human should sleep at least 6 hours per 24 hours period? Well, it may be the case for many of us, however you need to remember that we not only want to "survive", we want to be healthy! So, for our bodies full viruses, illnesses and other resistance we need to sleep from 7-9 hours every day! Now, when I say every day, I mean EVERY DAY. If you think you can sleep 6 or less hours for the whole week and then stay in bed for the whole weekend to "do your sleep homework", then you should know, that it does not work this way!


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